A revolutionary technology for Developers to provide extra ordinary Editing management experience for the Users, who can manage the dynamic changes on the fly himself/herself.
1. Wohola X is an enterprise grade solution for developing large scale web based solutions quickly and easily. It can be configured to handle websites of any size, scale or traffic.
2. Wohola X scales automatically based on server capability. There is no need for external software or any coding for the same. It has a very small footprint, very small code base and fast page processing times so even without any additional configuration it can handle large loads on relatively smaller servers.
3. Wohola X is the tenth version of Wohola, a long running platform. WX was written from scratch and has been developed with the mindset that one solution should fit all and should take care of potentially ALL problems faced in their web based solutions by developers, managers, testers, server or database administrators, site administrators, users and companies.
4. The development in WX is done with WXML a programming language designed specifically for Wohola X coding. It is an enhanced version of HTML so HTML/CSS developers can build most of the solution without knowledge of other programming languages, technical platforms, databases or software architecture. WXML is unique in the sense that the core language can be enhanced easily by anyone. Normally in other platforms it is possible to build libraries but the core language stays the same. In WXML the core language itself can be enhanced as per needs of any project or as per desire of any developer.
5. WX manages most of the technical complexity automatically under the covers. WX also handles most database and back-end functions automatically so WXML developers only need HTML/CSS skills in general. Anything that is not already implemented can be implemented using javascript so there is no limitation on what can be done.
6. WX can handle any software development requirements. Since the underlying platform is normal HTML/CSS and Javascript which means anything that can be done on any technical platform can be done on WX. There are no limitations other that what is possible to be done with any other language or technology.
7. Since it is designed to be a one solution fits all model for web based solutions, we are targeting Wohola X as an alternative for not only development platforms like React, Angular, Laravel, Symphony, Django, Bootstrap, jQuery and other such platforms, but also as an alternative to CMS systems like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal etc. Going one step further we plan to take Wohola X to a stage where it could be seen as viable alternative to ERP systems like SAP or MS Dynamics.
8. The UI in Wohola X is WYSIWYG enabled, so it is easy to develop as there is no need to build additional administrative screens and solutions built on Wohola X are easy to administer as the site administrators can simply click on the item they see on the page and change it instead of having to sift through menu items and pages in admin panels.
9. The future roadmap includes voice to wxml where someone can simply give requirements in natural language like a normal customer would give with that as input the whole solution becomes ready.